Monday, October 29, 2007

The Pope's a Nazi

I'm not mincing words this afternoon. I have too much to do, but I felt compelled to point out that the swastika sporting pontiff is now trying to force more ideology/doctrine/Big Brother control of the human race down everyone's throat via the pharmacists. Isn't this the same thing the Nazi's tried to do, albeit I don't think pharmacists were their avenue of choice?
Read article:

I think the British have a reasonable resolution, however the corporations will now add cost to the consumer for having to have a back-up sane Pharmacist on staff. How about these "morally" blinded pharmacist's go open up "mind control" pharmacies and employ themselves serving only those who want want others deem necessary for them to have, assholes. Whatever the answer I don't think the people should have to go on a hunt to have their prescriptions filled.
My afternoon soapbox. Thank you Orlando.

1 comment:

John J. said...

You sure know how to bring me out of lurking. :) If only people paid attention to the facts and not what some religious man (nutjob?) tells them to think...