Thursday, November 1, 2007

Allegory of a Cave

Because I'm surprised at the number of people not familiar with Plato's Republic and Allegory of a Cave. (Frankly, I'm rather tired of making references I have to explain.) I thought I'd provide easy access to it. Help yourself. The first link is a translation of it, and the second link is an analysis of it.

Why should you care? Well, even if philosophy seems to be absent from your daily life, it is in your entertainment. Who doesn't like to be entertained? The final link does a comparison between Plato's Allegory of a Cave and The Matrix and The Truman Show.

These are not my interpretations. But they are food for thought or fodder for soapboxing.


Anonymous said...

anon#1 ...hey I know I've referenced Plato's forms in talking to you before. Thanks for the reminder about "the Cave allegory".

alicewonderland said...

Yes, anon#1 you have the same academic background. : )