Why can’t something be done about junk mail? I hate it. There was all this hub-bub about Spam. People acted as if the damn stuff was going to come directly, physically into their lives, cram up their mail boxes, and take over their homes. No, that’s what junk mail does.
So, congress passes Spam laws. And now, we have Spam filters and Spam the meat in a can, only popular in Hawaii.
I wish we could get a Junk mail filter. The best system I have at the moment is to dump it into the trash can in the garage and not even let it enter my house. Even then, I have to stand over a smelly trash can to rid my life of this junk. With Spam it’s just a click and it’s gone. And at least with Spam you can find some entertainment. There was one in my Spam box just now, “Don’t you know girls yearn for big schlongs?” That cracks me up. There is never anything near that interesting in my snail mailbox.
And for all of you who snickered at the title...

anon#1 ....thanks for the SNL snap shot. Man I love that skit....
That's exactly why I check my mail once a week. It's junk or bills, neither of which I'm racing to get a hold of.
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