Oh, Yes Indeed!
Every girl has a Grease memory. It is a highly influential film for us.
Here are my Grease moments.
1. I'm about 6 years-old. It's my birthday. I'm the original American Idol to make Simon suffer. I bring all my cousins to their knees (while holding their ears) as I sing along with Summer Nights and strive to hit that note only Travolta can get away with.
2. I saw this film in the theater.
3. I was scandalized when I watched this as a teen and suddenly things weren't flying over my head.
4. Six again, I write Pink Ladies on the back of my blue and pink jacket. My mother is not happy. It washes out. I am not happy.
5. Someone asks me if I have a condom, I reply "yes, but how long are they good for?" and I get a flash in my brain of Kanicky(sp?) and Rizzo in the backseat of Greased Lighting.
What's your Grease story?
I just remember being a kid and playing at a friend's house up the street and i'm not sure if it was cable or vcr but it seemed like Grease and the Original Star Wars were in constant loop. And then signing the songs with friends. I too was scandalized later when it didn't go over my head and when i actually LISTENED to the words of Greased Lightning ..how did they get away with some of those lyrics!!!!!! .... Sa
listened to "grease is the word" on the drive to babysitter's in the mornings before school because it was a hit on the radio.....stacy
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