Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Never Did Like Math

A girl in the office turned 28 today. She lamented her approach towards 30. I laughed. Someone advised her to start lying about her age. If people in their 20s have to lie about their age, then what hope do us ancient 30-somethings have?

If you've seen the movie The Holiday you will be familiar with this "statistic" - "A woman 35 or over has a better chance of being killed by a terrorist than getting married."

I am so fucking screwed. I've got 4 months till I'm sentenced to death by terrorism? Great! Well, I guess I will no longer have to worry about my weight, gray hair and be able to consume all the garlic and coffee I desire. This is my silver lining.


Jaelithe said...

What you are forgetting is that you LOOK like you are 25.

Nabor Dan said...

Lies, damn lies, and statistics...

Please read...

I know that this doesn't quite offer the hope that you are looking for, but well... it's something.

- ND

Nabor Dan said...

You will have to reconnect the link...

Damn text boxes.


- ND

alicewonderland said...

Thank you for abolishing my fears. Shall I consider this a proposal? ; )

Nabor Dan said...

The line that connects those dots must be an interesting one...

Thank god for the winking emoticon to help me understand it was hyperbole.

- ND

Anonymous said...

anon#1 ....mmmmmm garlic and coffee...but not together. oooo add chocolate to that and it's complete.

Anonymous said...

Wow, lovely, if I end up divorced anytime between now and my death, I might as well just commit suicide. How depressing.

Diff Anon

alicewonderland said...

Interesting. Is the last comment suggesting I commit suicide? Talk about you don't know me! Geez.