Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I Want to Hold Your Ear

I love this song.

Introduced to me by Sa.

It's just so naborly.

And it may be proof that Bert and Ernie are not gay.


Anonymous said...

There is no way to be sure Bert is not talking about Ernie.

alicewonderland said...

I know I'm an exciting, OK kinda guy
I once had a girlfriend
And she went to pieces every time she saw me
This is the song I sang to her as she was falling apart

(clears his throat)

I held your hand
And told you that
I loved you
You turned around and
Walked right out the door
Seems like holding your hand
Was not enough
So I want to do something more

Oh I want to hold your ear baby
Wanna hold it near baby
Wanna hold your ear
Until you hear that
I love you

And I want to hold your eyes baby
Lovely shape and size baby
Want to hold your eyes
So you'll see and realize that
I love you

I wanna hold your nose
I wanna hold your toes
I won't let you breathe or eat
Until you know the truth
I love you

Oh I wanna hold your hair baby
Show you that I care baby
And it's only fair to tell you
What I intend to do
I'm going to keep what I hold dear
Your nose
Your eyes
Your tooth
Your ears
And I'm gonna hold them 'till
You say you love me tooo!

alicewonderland said...

But he could have switched teams, I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

anon #1 (aka SA) I'm SO EXCITED you mentioned this song. I just love it so much . Is it in a place I can download it? my copy is on a *gulp* casset tape somewhere.
oh and one correction..I wanna hold your nose, i wanna hold your tooth (instead of toes)tooth rhymes with truth. sorry, had to ... it sounded weird in my head when i sung it with toes.

alicewonderland said...

I didn't transcribe the lyrics, you'll have to take up your differences with the webmaster
And yes, after all these years I have found it here as an mp3.