I remember when class was a quality that one had, and not simply a fashion statement.
I remember when fairy tales were about love, and now love is just a fairytale.
I remember when men were heroes, and not overgrown children collecting action-figures.
I remember when women wanted to be "super" and do-it-all, now so many do it all alone.
I remember technological communication was tethered, and face to face was freedom.
I remember when hope was part of everyone, now I think she's just one woman on Days of Our Lives.
I remember when anything was possible, and that felt like a positive thing.
I remember when Superman could fly, now a super man sticks around and the rest fly the coop.
Are there any supermen left?

anon #1 ..and we could add missing the days when you could just ask a coworker for something instead of having to first tell them their hair looks nice today and pat on the back for doing your work..............
Perhaps we could place a missing persons ad for sensible and reliable people? I'd be happy to post it.
The trouble is, I think the sensible and reliable people would be too busy looking after all the irresponsible and unreliable people in their lives to respond to such an ad, and you'd only get dishonest opportunistic posers' replies.
anon #1.. sad commentary jaelithe but i think you are correct.
Oh, you two should meet. You are both redhead mothers with redhead sons.
I like that. Jaelithe sent me here. She thought; oh, I don't know. Since we are both single mothers of girls getting our M.A.s in English and hold the title "writer" at work, we MIGHT get along or something!:)
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