Monday, January 7, 2008

Thought Control

I know religion in general has a weakness for power. The urge to delve into people’s pockets and minds is irresistible to the machine of religion. However, you’d think that the falling numbers of Catholics in this country would do something to spur new methods in the Catholic Church. Alas, no. Despite the mass exodus of parishioners, they hold firm to their outmoded stance on birth control, “just say no” to marriage status of nuns and priests, and refusal to allow women to become priests.

In the face of crippling scandals of child molesting priests and heartless money grubbing tactics to secure the people’s money (St. Stanislaus) the Catholic church still wraps itself in a shroud of holiness. With a bishop (Burke) that will excommunicate you soon as look at you and a Pope that use to sport a swastika, the Catholic church still feels it is their right and duty to tell us what to read and what to view.

But, of course, yes, I want the Catholic Church (an obvious leader in morality and ethics) to tell me what literature and film may infiltrate, twist, and harm my fragile mind. Because, after all, my biggest fear is brain washing and thought control. And I must say, despite all the Catholic Church has had to deal with over the decades they have not failed to keep a close eye on the arts and entertainment industry.

In the ‘70s, they told my parent’s generation not to read or watch The Thorn Birds. My mother did anyway. In fact, I watched a few snippets with her. Perhaps that’s where I got my penchant for priests? This is the first time I’ve made that connection. Hmm. I digress.

In the ‘80s, Madonna was blackballed for her Like a Prayer video. This time instead of an attraction between a priest and little girl, it was a wooden saint and a “sinner.” I loved the idea, video, and song.

Now, apparently atheist beliefs are enshrouded in The Golden Compass (book and film) waiting to steal the Catholic faith from the hearts of children.

What evil will the arts beleaguer us with next? How will the Catholic Church defend us? Are pulpit sermons and school memos enough to stop this evil? Stay tuned for the next episode of Big Brother for Your Soul.


Nabor Dan said...

As a nonpracticing Catholic I agree wholeheartedly with your comments. Somewhere, someplace, the Catholic Church lost Christ's message in the mysticism.

I suspect that the previous comment has earned me an excommunication.

- ND

alicewonderland said...

Just talking to me could earn you a excommunication in Burke's eyes.

Anonymous said...

anon #1 uh oh i'm in trouble then. of course knowing you didn't get me kicked out of CJ , just hauled to the principal's office. hehehehe

Trena said...

It’s not just the Catholic Church that has a problem with the Golden Compass. Many many different Christian groups are boycotting the film. Christians, regardless of their denominations (Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, etc.) are standing together on this boycott. Christ message was to evangelize and bring people to His church. It wasn’t to draw people away. The Christian community is doing the right thing by standing up for what they believe in. They would be hypocrites if they didn’t.

alicewonderland said...

Well, I only get memos from the Catholic Church since I send my child to a catholic school. But if Jesus' message was to bring people to his "church" then someone better send out a worldwide memo informing everyone that Jesus was not Christian. He was a Jew. Just sayin'. And we all know that Jews use to run Hollywood. So, it's all coming together. I think.

Anonymous said...

anon #1 Tom...but wait you're not up on things. I was informed that Harry Potter is ok now. (My Aunt is a latecomer to Catholicism and has embraced it with the passion of anyone "born again". As my cousin puts it she jumps on the bandwagon of whatever is not acceptable at that time. Apparently the Golden Compass is a bigger fish to fry and it's public enemy now and Harry Potter is ok. )