Monday, December 10, 2007

Ron Jeremy is NOT the Sicko

The academic world is full of surprises. The college campus is undoubtedly filled with outrageous, gross, and sophomoric acts. And UMSL will not be left behind.

What do Ron Jeremy and I have in common? I won't keep you guessing. We have both graced the campus of UMSL. In fact, he was present just this semester while I was there - in class. He was there for "The Great Porn Debate." I really don't know what that was all about. But it made the front page of the campus paper. And while Ron Jeremy is generally considered a troll, and I'm not making moral judgements, rather superficial ones. It was his opponent that grossed me out. Porn Pastor Gross that is.
Yes, I said Porn Pastor Gross, and he has his own website. You might not want to check it out from work. Gross "struggled with porn addiction and is now helping others dealing with similar problems through his Web site, which claims to show the 'truth about pornography.' "

I'm not making this crap up.

It gets better. Well, not really. His organization offers a book entitled, "Jesus Loves Porn Stars," which rightfully makes one snicker. It is enough to make you rethink ,"What would Jesus do?"

The worst part? His website "offers accountability software as well as anti-pornography videos aimed at children from 'Pete the Porno Puppet.' "

Excuse me?

Anti-pornography videos aimed at children from 'Pete the Porno Puppet?'

I really don't think there is anything I can add to this. I'm simply aghast.

Even if it is to say don't watch it.

Ron Jeremy may be a troll, but he is not the sicko.

1 comment:

alicewonderland said...

UPDATE: Ron Talks To Peters, I mean Pete.
It's a whole new kind of crank yankers.